Empowering Every Student: Undocumented Resources

Empowering Every Student: Undocumented Resources

Every student deserves the opportunity to pursue their educational dreams, regardless of immigration status. With the right support, financial aid, and community resources, students can access the opportunities they need to succeed. 

Whether you’re a student preparing for college, a parent looking for guidance, or an advocate for undocumented students, the resources below will help you navigate financial aid, mental health support, legal protections, emergency relief, and training opportunities. 

Together, we can ensure that every student has the tools and support they need to reach their dreams. 

Financial Aid Resources: Making College Accessible 

One of the most important steps undocumented or AB540 students can take is filling for financial aid by completing the California Dream Act Application (CADAA). This application unlocks access to Cal Grants, institutional grants, and scholarships, helping make college more affordable and accessible.  

Cash for College (in-person workshops)
Educational Resources from U.S. Department of Education
College Campaign Interactive Map – Undocumented Student Resources
Scholarships for Undocumented Students
Applying for Financial Aid 2025-2026 – Mixed Status Families.pdf
CSAC Guide to Getting Started for Mixed Status Families
CSAC Resources for Undocumented Students
CSAC AB540 Requirements
NCAN Guide for Mixed Status Families 
Student Forms | California Student Aid Commission
CA Dream Act Application Map
CA Dream Act Application Checklist
CADAA for Mixed-Status Families | California Student Aid Commission
American Indian Born in Canada (formerly Jay Treaty student) – Student Eligibility | Knowledge Center
Resources for DACA Recipients and Dreamers
UCR’s Undocumented Student Resources
Mt. San Jacinto College – Undocumented Student Resources
San Bernardino Valley College – Immigration and Undocumented Student Resources 


Mental Health Support: Prioritizing Well-Being 

Balancing school, work, and family responsibilities can be overwhelming, and mental health support is essential for student success. Access to counseling, peer support, and wellness tools can help students navigate challenges and build resilience. 

Immigrants Rising: Mental Health Resources for Undocumented Students
Immigrants Rising: Mental Health Support Groups
Immigrants Rising: Mental Health Connector
211 Mental Health Resources   


Legal Rights & Protections: Staying Informed 

Understanding legal rights is key to ensuring that undocumented students and their families feel safe and supported in pursuing education. Access to trusted legal resources helps students stay informed, advocate for themselves, and plan for their future. 

Todec Legal Center: Legal Services and Advocacy
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights
Know Your Rights: Printable Red Cards (Immigration Legal Resource Center)
Know Your Rights Under the U.S. Constitution – No Matter Who Is President
What Immigrant Families Should Do Now
Warrants & Subpoenas: What to Look Out for and How to Respond
Messaging Guide: Immigration Enforcement in Sensitive Locations/Protected Areas
Higher Education Technical Assistance Project
Immigration Preparedness Toolkit
Immigration Advocates Network
We Have Rights
CARECEN – LA College Immigration Legal Services
10 Things Noncitizen Protestors Need to Know 


Emergency Relief: Being Prepared 

Emergency relief resources provide immediate assistance to undocumented students and mixed-status families facing crises, helping them stay focused on their academic goals. 

211 Disaster Recovery
Rapid Response Toolkit
Immigrant Relief Center – Immigration Preparedness Toolkit
Step-by-step Family Preparedness Plan  


Resources for Partners: Supporting Students & Families 

Partners play a critical role in supporting undocumented students and their families. Providing accurate information, connecting students to resources, and fostering an inclusive environment can make all the difference.

Immigrants Rising: Protecting Student Data
Higher Ed Immigration – Data Information
CSAC Training- Live Webinars (for high school staff)
FAFSA Issue Alerts | Knowledge Center
UCR Undocu-Ally-Training
FERPA – Protecting Student Data
We Have Rights – Partner Resources
UCR’s PODER (Providing Opportunities, Dreams and Education in Riverside)
SBCSS – Immigration Resources
RCCD Immigration Related Resources
A Guide for Employers: What to Do if Immigration Comes to Your Workplace 

Office Hours

Office Hours

Join us for live office hours to provide personalized support on FAFSA and CADAA applications, eligibility requirements, and the overall financial aid process. These office hours are open to students, parents, school counselors, or anyone seeking support.

Join anytime Monday-Friday from 4:00 to 6:00 PM.

How to Create a Cash for College Workshop

How to Create a Cash for College Workshop

Ready to host your own Cash for College workshop? Click here to start your application by visiting CSAC.

For more information, please watch this quick tutorial on how to create a Cash for College Workshop under the Workshop Management System.

Under Agency Information, put your organization/school’s name. Do not use personal names. There can only be one point of contact per agency. If you need to add more, please email [email protected].

Please wait until your organization’s request is approved. This process may take up to two business days.

After your request has been approved, the individual under Primary Contact Information will be emailed a token of activation. Please click on it and you can now create a Cash For College Workshop(s).

Submit your Cash For College event and wait for the approval. If you require a speaker or volunteer support, you must create an event at least two weeks prior to the event date. GIA cannot guarantee the availability of speakers or volunteers if the event request is submitted less than two weeks before the event. If you need additional support, include your request under ‘workshop description.’ For example, the workshop description may read: “I am requesting a bilingual Spanish and English presenter. In addition, I am requesting two additional volunteers that may know Spanish or ASL.”

If any of your workshop students require additional time to complete the surveys, the survey link for your workshop will remain available until the March 2nd deadline. You can share the survey link using the following format: https://cash4college.csac.ca.gov/Home/showWorkshopDetail?id=XXXXX. Replace the X’s with your workshop ID. For example, if your Workshop ID is 12345, your survey link would be: https://cash4college.csac.ca.gov/Home/showWorkshopDetail?id=12345.

For more information on how to create a QR code for a student survey, please watch the tutorial below.

To ensure a smooth wrap-up of your workshop, we kindly request workshop hosts to submit the attendance records of all students/parents within one week of hosting the workshop. Please send an Excel copy of the attendance sheets via email to [email protected] and [email protected]. This will enable CSAC and GIA to track the completion of your workshop and ensure that all students in attendance are accounted for in the surveys received. Please include the student’s full name, grade level, and email address (personal and school email) in the attendance records.

Things to keep in mind:

Please remind your students that completing the survey is necessary to be entered into the scholarship drawing from GIA. We have multiple scholarships specifically for Cash For College students in the Inland Empire.

To qualify, students must:

  • Attend a registered Cash For College workshop.
  • Submit the CSAC Student Survey before April 2, 2024.
  • Finish their Financial Aid (FAFSA/CADAA) before April 2, 2024.

GIA Support

As your Regional Coordinating Organization (RCO), GIA is here to offer you support. In order for us to provide direct support, please make sure to reach out to Julissa Loza Mendez directly at [email protected].

As a reminder, GIA can assist with the following, depending on availability and advance notice:

  • Recruiting additional financial aid volunteers
  • Presenting about financial aid in an overview presentation (English and/or Spanish)
  • Provide 1:1 FAFSA/CADAA application assistant.

Please note that GIA cannot provide the online hosting platforms for FAFSA/ CADAA events, refreshments, or monetary support.

Financial Aid Checklist

Financial Aid Checklist

Step 1: Figure out which application is right for you

You only need to apply with ONE depending on certain qualifications: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA).

Apply with CADAA if you:

  • Are Undocumented (with or without DACA)
  • Have a U-Visa
  • Have Temporary Protected Status

Apply with FAFSA if you:

  • Are a U.S. Citizen
  • Are a Permanent Resident (Green Card)
  • Are an eligible non-citizen
Step 2: Gather the required information & documents

If you’re a student:

  • Student FSA ID/Login Info (for FAFSA only)
  • Social Security Number (if applicable)
  • Alien Registration Number (if applicable)
  • 2022 Federal Income Tax Return (if applicable)
  • List of schools you’re interested in attending

If you’re the parent/contributor:

  • Contributor FSA/ID Login Info (for FAFSA only)
  • 2022 Federal Income Tax Return
  • Amount in checking & savings accounts
  • Untaxed income such as child support received
  • Assets like businesses, investments, real estate, etc. (Not including retirement or primary residence).
Step 3: Create your FSA-ID

Whether you’re a student, parent, or borrower, you’ll need to create your own account (FSA-ID) to apply for, receive, and manage your federal student aid.

  • You must have an account to do the following:
  • Fill out the FAFSA or CADAA form online (See #1 above to choose your form)
  • Complete other online forms (such as the Master Promissory Note) if required
  • Review the federal student aid you’ve received
Step 4: Apply for financial aid… Don’t delay!

The FAFSA application is now OPEN for 2024-2025. The submission deadline is April 2, 2024.

Questions? Visit Cash4College.csac.ca.gov to get free help from financial aid experts!
Deadline for California Community College students is Sept 3, 2024.