Descubra recursos de ayuda financiera y sugerencias para estudiantes que deseen presentar un Formulario de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA, por sus siglas en inglés).
Before Filing the FAFSA
Find resources to help you with filing your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
View our FAFSA Step-By-Step presentation to help you file your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
This survey assists contributors without a social security number troubleshoot issues related to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
1. Learn About the FAFSA
2. Create a FAFSA ID
- How to Create an FSA ID (Article)
- How to Create Your FSA ID in
5 Easy Steps (Video) - How to Create Your FSA ID (PDF)
Completing the FAFSA
4. Gather Your Information
5. Filling out the FAFSA Form
6. Reporting Family Income
After Completing the FAFSA
7. Next Steps After Completing the FAFSA
8. Review College Acceptance Letters & Financial Aid Packages
9. Requesting More Aid From Colleges
Ready to file your FAFSA application? Start your application today.